Activities and news
Neurocientífics proposen una nova via per estudiar el cervell a partir de bessons digitals
L’equip de recerca format per neurocientífics de la UPF, la UdG i Oxford fa una crida a la comunitat científica perquè empri aquest nou model computacional -denominat model del cervell sencer- per estudiar amb més precisió aspectes desconeguts del cervell humà i relatius a trastorns com l’estat de coma o l’epilèpsia, entre d’altres.
Contact: Patow, Gustavo
1st XR Projects Cluster Webinar: The Ultimate Fusion: Extended Reality Meets Artificial Intelligence
On September 12th, 2024, from 13:00 to 15:00 CET an exclusive webinar “The Ultimate Fusion: Extended Reality Meets Artificial Intelligence” will showcase the latest research and innovation at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality.
Contact: Pelechano, Núria
ECHOES Launch event
ECHOES Launch event - September 9, 2024, at the historic Château of Chambord in France 15:00 to 22:00 CEST (and online). Keynote speakers will discuss the importance of preserving cultural heritage across Europe.

Registration & further information:…

Contact: Andujar, Carlos
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Haoran Yun, "Real-time Avatar Animation Synthesis in Virtual Reality", will take place on July 22nd, at 11:00h. Sala d'actes Manuel Marti Recober de la FIB, edifici B6, Campus Barcelona Nord UPC, planta 0.
Contact: Pelechano, Núria
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Bernat Orellana, "Towards the automation of colon segmentation in magnetic resonance images", will take place on March 7th, at 12:00h. Sala d'actes Manuel Marti Recober, building B6, UPC North Campus .
Contact: Vazquez, Pere-Pau
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Alexandra Cortez, "The dynamics of Bike Sharing Systems: Advancements in Analytics tools", will take place on November 23rd, at 12:00h. Sala d'actes Manuel Marti Recober de la FIB, edifici B6, Campus Barcelona Nord UPC.
Contact: Vázquez, P.Pau
Job opportunities

We seek two postdoc researchers to work on the main goals described in the project short summary (virtual human simulation and modeling of terrain degradation). We are looking for candidates with experience on some of the following topics: reinforcement learning, crowd simulation, path finding, procedural modeling, simulation of natural phenomena, virtual reality, computer graphics.

Candidates should hold a PhD in computer science, physics, mathematics, or some engineering discipline. Candidates should have a track record of publications in computer graphics, virtual reality, and/or animation. The following skills will be valued:

-. Good programming skills in C++, C#, or Python.

-. Computer graphics

-.Experience with Unity and VR.

We offer two postdoc contracts of 1 to 2 years, depending on the candidate interest, with a competitive salary for Barcelona.

XR4ED Newsletter

What is XR4ED about?

XR4ED ( brings together the EdTech and XR communities to establish a European reference platform on learning and training with XR that will provide a central access point to existing solutions and contribute to a leading position for Europe in cutting-edge technologies for education.

Subscribe to our Newsletter by pressing 'More' information.

Eurographics 2023 Honorary Fellow
Pere Brunet has received the Eurographics 2023 Honorary Fellow of the Association.
Contact: Brunet, Pere
ViRVIG Workshop
ViRVIG will be celebrating the group workshop in Barcelona the 8th of February 2023.
Contact: Andujar, Carlos
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Alex Rios, "Walking with virtual humans: Understanding human response to virtual humanoids' appearance and behaviour while navigating in immersive VR", will take place on February 17th, at 11:30h. Sala d'actes Manuel Marti Recober de la FIB, edifici B6, Campus Barcelona Nord UPC.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Marc Comino, "Algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, repairing and enhancement of 3D urban models from multiple data sources", will take place on Thursday, December 22nd, at 15:15h. It will be held online following Meet.
Contact: Andujar, Carlos
Best FIB Alumni Final Bachelor Thesis
Pol Martín Garcia Received the Best FIB Alumni Final Bachelor Thesis Award for the work entitled "Aplicació del Material Point Method (MPM) a la deformació d'objectes"
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Vahid Rahmani, "Toward human-like pathfinding with hierarchical approaches and the GPS of the brain theory", will take place on November 18th, at 15:00h.
Job Offer on the MSCA-ITN-2019 - Innovative Training Networks project CLIPE
Currently looking for 2 PhD students to work on the MSCA-ITN-2019 - Innovative Training Networks project CLIPE ( ). CLIPE offers highly competitive salaries and the possibility of working in a multidisciplinary network with research centres across Europe (University of Cyprus, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, INRIA, University College London, Trinity College Dublin, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Ecole Polytechnique, and Silversky3d) and top industrial partners (Treedy’s SPRL, British Broadcasting Corporation,, Studio Gobo, and Uber BV). I will be supervising two PhD thesis, one on "Procedural Modelling of Crowd Simulation" and another one on "Real Time Animation Synthesis". Both with a special focus on VR and AR applications. You can find more information about these positions in the link.
Mathworks rewards Toni Susín
Mathworks company (Matlab) has awarded the Numerical Factory project coordinated by Toni Susin in its 'Academic Developement Support Grants'.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Oscar Argudo, "Realistic reconstruction and rendering of detailed 3D scenarios from multiple data sources", will take place on Friday, July 19th, at 12h. Room Sala d'Actes (Building Vertex). Campus Nord, UPC.
Contact: Andujar, Carlos
Best Paper Award-Third Prize
Symposium on Geometry Processing, SGP'18 M. Comino, C. Andújar, P. Brunet, A. Chica Received the Best Paper Award-Third Prize for the work entitled Sensor-aware estimation for range Scan Point Clouds
Contact: Brunet, Pere; Andujar, Carlos; Chica, Antoni
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Jesús Díaz, "Real-Time Quality Visualization of Medical Models on Commodity and Mobile Devices", will take place on May 25th, at 12:30h. Room Sala d'Actes. Building B6.
Contact: Vázquez, P.Pau
Eurographics Gold Medal 2018
Pere Brunet received the Eurographics Gold Medal in Eurographics 2018
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Pedro Hermosilla, "Advanced inspection techniques for molecular simulations", will take place on July 13th, at 12h.
Contact: Vázquez, P.Pau
The ViRVIG Research Group at UPC Future Arena space of the Barcelona Building Construmat (23-26 May 2017)
The ViRVIG group presents some virtual reality (VR) experiences to show the possibilities of the VR technology to go beyond the 2D plane projects, as well as the ViRVIG current research areas. The VR experiences allow visitors to explore BIM models, to visualize projects in the context of their location though the reconstruction of extremely detailed urban and rural environments, and to visualize collective people behavior in emergency situations that require building evacuation.
La Sagrada Família proyecta su futuro mediante realidad virtual
La construcción de la torre más alta se perfila con el uso de la tecnología más puntera.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Ramón Oliva, "A Framework for Navigation of Autonomous Characters in Complex Virtual Environments", will take place on Thursday, November 28th, at 12h. Sala d'Actes,Building B6, Campus Nord, UPC.
Comportamiento Humano - Huyendo despavoridos en un entorno virtual
La Vanguardia - BigVan. Una investigación internacional utiliza avatares de personas de carne y hueso para simular evacuaciones de multitudes
Mons com el nostre
Diaria Ara,número 117, pàg. 15-17, La realitat virtual es fa quotidiana
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Inauguration of the last generation virtual reality room at CIMNE
The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE) has just inaugurated a new space for research at the UPC Campus Nord of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. A highlighted space of the new facilities is the potential of the new 3D room, designed by CIMNE researchers and the team of the Centre de Realitat Virtual de Barcelona (CRV) of the UPC. It is an important 3D visualization tool and it will serve as a testing laboratory by researchers and as a showroom exhibition of prototypes of engineering, bioengineering, interactive environments, etc The 3D room has a very high performance equipment, which features an array of 12 projectors to achieve more than 4K resolution, retractable large screen, calibration system, polarized glasses, 3D sound system, computer equipment for high-performance rendering and interaction works.
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Best Poster Award
Best Poster Award at ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games for Hierarchical Path Finding for Navigation Meshes.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Alejandro Beacco, "Simulation, Animation and Rendering of Crowds in Real-Time", will take place on Thursday, December 11th, at 12h. Sala d'Actes,Building B6, Campus Nord, UPC.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Eva Moclús, "Advanced interaction techniques for medical models", will take place on Tuesday, July 15th, at 12h. Aula Master,Building A3, Campus Nord, UPC.
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Lázaro Campoalegre Vera, "Contributions to the Interactive Visualization of Medical Volume Models in Mobile Devices", will take place on Friday, July 11th, at 12h. Sala d'Actes ,Building B6, Campus Nord, UPC.
Inauguration of the academic year 2013-14 of the Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona
Pere Brunet gives a Conference at the Inauguration of the 2013-2014 Academic Year of the Escola Politècnica Superior de la Universitat de Girona
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Thesis defense
The defense of the PhD. thesis of Jesús Ojeda, "Efficient Algorithms for the Realistic Simulation of Fluids", will take place on Tuesday, May 28th, Noon till approx. 2pm, at the "Sala d'actes", fib building (B6- Nord Campus, UPC). All are invited!
Contact: Susin, Toni
Video Cave Presentation XipTV
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Thesis defense
The defense of the thesis of Jose Díaz, "Enhanced Perception in Volume Visualization", will take place on Friday, April 26th, Noon till approx. 2pm, at the fme building. All are invited!
Thesis defense
The defense of the PhD Thesis "Continuity and Interpolation Techniques for Computer Graphics" by Francisco González García under the supervision of Gustavo Patow will take place on April 11th, 10:30am, at the Udg, Bldg. P-IV, Montiliví Campus, Girona.
Inauguration of the new High-Performance CAVE with Gesture Recognition
Contact: Brunet, Pere
BTV - Connexió Barcelona
Video Cave Presentation BTV
Contact: Brunet, Pere
TV3 - Telenotícies
Video Cave Presentation TV3
Contact: Brunet, Pere
TVE - Telenotícies
Video Cave Presentation TVE
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Best Student Paper Award
"Best Student Paper Award to Eva Monclús, Pere Pau Vázquez and Isabel Navazo" in the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP /VISIGRAPP)
TV3 - Quèquicom
Video "Quèquicom" TV Program
Contact: Brunet, Pere
A Virtual Wall created to manipulate 3D Objects
A Virtual Wall and a Magic Lantern have been developed to interact and manipulate 3D Objects.
Pere Brunet is awarded with the National Award in Computer 2010
Premio Nacional de Informática 2010 "Sociedad Científica Informática de España"
Contact: Brunet, Pere
Best Short Paper Award
Best Short Paper Award to Argelaguet F., Andujar C. and Trueba R. "VRST:ACM'08"
Contact: Andujar, Carlos
The EG Distinguished Career Award to Pere Brunet
Pere Brunet receives the Eurographics Distinghished Career Award 2008 for his strong technical contributions, his continued and successful role in training young researches in Computer Graphics, which have later established themselves as faculty and researchers, and for shaping computer graphics research in Spain.
Contact: Brunet, Pere