Activities and news
Past seminars
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-06-2024 10:00
Imanol Muñoz, "Metameric: Spectral Uplifting via Controllable Color Constraints", Van De Ruit, Mark, and Elmar Eisemann; SIGGRAPH 2023.

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-05-2024 10:00
Klara Brykt,"Dynamic properties of successful smiles", Nathaniel E. Helwig, Nick E. Sohre, Mark R. Ruprecht, Stephen J. Guy, Sofía Lyford-Pike; PLOS ONE.

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-05-2024 10:00
Ellinor Meyer,"HoopInSight: Analyzing and Comparing Basketball Shooting Performance Through Visualization", Yu Fu, John Stasko; IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 858-868, 2024.

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
24-04-2024 10:00
Eva Monclús, Alejandro Beacco, "Conducting Efficient User Studies (@ UPC)"

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
20-03-2024 10:00
Oscar Argudo,"How to describe a terrain: from heights to insights".

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
28-02-2024 10:00
Gabriel Fonseca Silva,"Presentation on the Virtual Humans Laboratory and Simulation of Large-scale Populations".

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-02-2024 10:00
Pere Pau Vázquez,"Are LLMs ready for visualization?".

The Seminar will take place at 10:00h Coffee, 10:15h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-01-2024 10:15
Antoni Chica,"Variational Shape Reconstruction via Quadric Error Metrics",Tong Zhao, Laurent Busé, David Cohen-Steiner, Tamy Boubekeur, Jean-Marc Thiery, Pierre Alliez, SIGGRAPH '23.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
13-12-2023 00:00
Gabriel Willems,"Generating Activity Snippets by Learning Human-Scene Interactions",Changyang Li, Lap-Fai Yu; SIGGRAPH 2023

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-11-2023 10:15
Eduard Pujol,"3D Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering", Bernhard Kerbl, Georgios Kopanas, Thomas Leimkühler, George Drettakis, SIGGRAPH 2023

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
08-11-2023 10:15
Huimin Liu,"Supporting Content Generation in Virtual Environment Based on Optimization".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
25-10-2023 10:15
Jose Luis Pontón,"Synthesizing Physical Character Interactions with Reinforcement Learning".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 102, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-10-2023 10:15
Alejandro Beacco,"DELTA: Learning Disentangled Avatars with Hybrid 3D Representations",Yao Feng, Weiyang Liu, Timo Bolkart, Jinlong Yang, Marc Pollefeys, Michael J. Black.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-06-2023 10:15
Sandra Malpica,"Visual and multimodal perception in immersive environments".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
31-05-2023 10:15
Eduard Pujol, "Adaptive approximation of signed distance fields through piecewise continuous interpolation".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Seminari d’Iconografia d’Ars Picta
23-05-2023 17:00
El seminari tindrà lloc a la Fac. Geografia i Història, carrer de Montalegre 6, 5è pis, Barcelona o via Zoom:

INTERVINDRAN: Dra. Immaculada Lorés i Otzet: Els davallaments romànics Dr. Carles Mancho: Santa Maria la Major (Roma) i la “importància de no entendre-ho tot”

Contact: Mancho Suarez, Carles
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-05-2023 10:15
Pere Pau Vázquez, "Out of the Plane: Flower vs. Star Glyphs to Support High-Dimensional Exploration in Two-Dimensional Embeddings", Christian van Onzenoodt, Pere-Pau Vazquez, and Timo Ropinski. IEEE TVCG 2022.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
03-05-2023 10:15
Jose Luis Pontón, "SparsePoser: Real-time Full-body Motion Reconstruction from Sparse Data".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Seminari d’Iconografia d’Ars Picta
25-04-2023 17:00
El seminari tindrà lloc a la Fac. Geografia i Història, carrer de Montalegre 6, 5è pis, Barcelona o via Zoom: j/93745071997?pwd=TGNzYlU2YjdqZGpZVWVxZGhyRVY2QT09

INTERVINDRAN: Dra. Begoña Cayuela: El Romànic en colors: el cas dels fons verds de Pedret Dra. Milagros Guardia: Gallines i guineus: les faules i l'art

Contact: Mancho Suarez, Carles
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-04-2023 10:15
Marta Fairen, "owards Collaborative Learning in Virtual Reality: A Comparison of Co-Located Symmetric and Asymmetric Pair-Learning".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-03-2023 10:15
Elena Álvarez de la Campa Crespo, "Self-Conversation in Virtual Reality Embodiment to Enhance Healthier Lifestyles Among Obese People (SOCRATES)".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
08-03-2023 10:15
Haoran Yun, "Animation Fidelity in Self-Avatars: Impact on User Performance and Sense of Agency", Haoran Yun, Jose Luis Ponton, Carlos Andujar, and Nuria Pelechano, IEEE VR 2023.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 005, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-02-2023 10:15
Elena Molina, "Understanding how heatmaps are perceived: a study",Elena Molina, Carolina Middel & Pere-Pau Vázquez.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 002, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
25-01-2023 10:15
Alejandro Beacco, "Moments in Time in Immersive Virtual Environments (MoTIVE)".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-01-2023 10:15
Toni Chica, "Neural Geometric Level of Detail: Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Shapes", Towaki Takikawa et al IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2021.

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-12-2022 10:15
Pere Pau Vàzquez, "TBD".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
30-11-2022 10:15
Marc Sunet, "Introduction to Real-Time Physically Based Rendering".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-11-2022 10:15
Oscar Argudo, "Simulation and modeling of realistic forest scenes".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
02-11-2022 10:15
Marcel Vilalta,"Optimal Dual Schemes for Adaptive Grid Based Hexmeshing",Marco Livesu, Luca Pitzalis, Gianmarco Cherchi;Siggraph 2022

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-10-2022 10:15
Eduardo Alvarado, "Groups of Humans and Animals in Natural Environments: A Multi-scale Approach".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-10-2022 10:15
Pau Baiget, "Making Android a great graphics and gaming platform".

The Seminar will take place at 10:15h Coffee, 10:30h Talk (Room 103, FME Building). It will be able to be followed online using Meet.

Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
30-06-2022 12:15
Pere Pau Vàzquez, "ATLAS: A Visual Exploration Tool for University Data-Based Research Governance". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
02-06-2022 12:15
Carlos Andújar, "Color homography: theory and applications"; IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence, 41(1), 20-33;Finlayson, G., Gong, H., & Fisher, R. B. (2017). The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-05-2022 12:15
Marta Fairen, "Opportunities and Challenges of Virtual Reality in Healthcare–A Domain Experts Inquiry", Halbig, A., Babu, S. K., Gatter, S., Latoschik, M. E., Brukamp, K., & von Mammen, S. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 2022. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-05-2022 12:15
Radek, "EMOCA: Emotion Driven Monocular Face Capture and Animation", Radek Daněček and Michael J. Black and Timo Bolkart; IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR),2022 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-04-2022 12:15
Oscar Argudo, ""Authoring consistent landscapes with flora and fauna", Ecormier-Nocca, P., Cordonnier, G., Carrez, P., Moigne, A. M., Memari, P., Benes, B., & Cani, M. P.;ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40(4), 1-13. 2021. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
24-03-2022 12:15
Núria Pelechano, "TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-03-2022 12:15
Elena Molina, "An In-Depth Exploration of the Effect of 2D/3D Views and Controller Types on First Person Shooter Games in Virtual Reality,",D. Monteiro, H. Liang, J. Wang, H. Chen and N. Baghaei.2020 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
03-03-2022 12:15
Mohammadreza Javadiha, "Spatio-Temporal analysis and visualization in racket sports". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
03-02-2022 12:15
Toni Susín, ""Mixing Yarns and Triangles in Cloth Simulation",Casafranca, Juan J. and Cirio, Gabriel and Rodríguez, Alejandro and Miguel, Eder and Otaduy, Miguel A. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of Eurographics) 2020 . The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-12-2021 12:15
Beatriz Martinez, "Securing color fidelity in 3D architectural heritage scenarios", Gaiani, M., Apollonio, F. I., Ballabeni, A., & Remondino, F. Sensors, 17(11), 2437. 2017. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
25-11-2021 12:00
Alexandra Cortez, "TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:00h. (Room 005, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-11-2021 12:15
Toni Chica, "Massively Parallel Rendering of Complex Closed-Form Implicit Surfaces", Matthew J. Keeter; Siggraph 2020. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
28-10-2021 12:15
Pere Pau Vazquez, "Interactive molecular graphics for augmented reality using HoloLens", Müller, C., Krone, M., Huber, M., Biener, V., Herr, D., Koch, S., ... & Ertl, T.;Journal of integrative bioinformatics, 15(2), 2018. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. (Room 103, FME Building) It will be able to be followed online using Meet.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
22-06-2021 12:15
Robert Joan-Arinyo,"Voronoi-based Neighborhoods in Local Spatial Outliers Detection";Núria Pla, Marc Vigo, Robert Joan-arinyo The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
25-05-2021 12:15
Mohammadreza Jvavadiha, "Survey on Image-based Pose Estimation". The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
27-04-2021 12:15
Núria Pelechano,"The impact of animations in the perception of a simulated crowd", Elena Molina, Alex Ríos, Nuria Pelechano. Computer Graphics International (CGI), 2021. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
13-04-2021 12:15
Pere Pau Vàzquez,""TourVis: Narrative Visualization of Multi-Stage Bicycle Races" J. Díaz, M. Fort, and P. Vázquez Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis 2021), to appear. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
CHER-ish: understanding a site from a variety of 2D documents including drawings and historic photographs.
24-03-2021 16:00
Prof. Holly Rushmeier (Yale University) will give a session within the Master of Heritage at the University of Girona. 'CHER-ish: understanding a site from a variety of 2D documents including drawings and historic photographs' on March 24th at 16h-19h. The course will take place via ZOOM. For more details, check the following link.
Contact: Pueyo, Xavier
CHER-Ob: viewing a wide range of 2, 2.5 and 3D data for a single object.
17-03-2021 16:00
Prof. Holly Rushmeier (Yale University) will give a session within the Master of Heritage at the University of Girona. 'CHER-Ob: viewing a wide range of 2, 2.5 and 3D data for a single object' on March 17th at 16h-19h. The course will take place via ZOOM. For more details, check the following link.
Contact: Pueyo, Xavier
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-03-2021 12:15
Toni Chica,"High-quality object-space dynamic ambient occlusion for characters using bi-level regression."; Le, Binh Huy, et al.; Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. 2019. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
09-03-2021 12:15
Toni Susín,"Higher-Order Finite Elements for Embedded Simulation";Andreas Longva, Fabian Löschner, Tassilo Kugelstadt, José Antonio Fernández-Fernández, Jan Bender;ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2020) The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
23-02-2021 12:15
Marta Fairen,"VR4Health: Personalized teaching and learning anatomy using VR"; Fairén, Marta; Moyés, Jordi; Insa, Esther ; Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 44, Num. 5, pp 1--13, 2020. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
09-02-2021 12:15
Gustavo Patow, "Realistic Buoyancy Model for Real-Time Applications";J. M. Bajo; G. Patow and C. A. Delrieux; COMPUTER GRAPHICS forum, Volume 39 (2020), number 6 pp. 217–231. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Tuesday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-12-2020 12:15
Jose Díaz, "A framework for GPU-accelerated exploration of massive time-varying rectilinear scalar volumes", Fabio Marton, Marco Agus and Enrico Gobbetti Computer Graphics Forum - EuroVis 2019". The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-12-2020 12:15
Marc Comino, "Algorithms for the reconstruction, analysis, repairing and enhancement of 3D urban models from multiple data sources", PhD Thesis. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
26-11-2020 12:15
Pere Pau Vázquez, "Bike Sharing Atlas". The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
12-11-2020 12:15
Carlos Andújar, "TBD". The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-10-2020 12:15
Pedro Hermosilla,"Deep-learning the Latent Space of Light Transport." Pedro Hermosilla, Sebastian Maisch, Tobias Ritschel, and Timo Ropinski In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 207-217. 2019. "Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation" Michael Schelling, Pedro Hermosilla, Pere-Pau Vazquez, Timo Ropinski arXiv, 2020". The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
22-10-2020 12:15
Oscar Argudo, "Peaks and glaciers: procedural outdoors for lockdowns" - Orometry-based terrain analysis and synthesis: - Simulation, modeling and authoring of glaciers: The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-10-2020 12:15
Núria Pelechano, "Comparing navigation meshes: theoretical analysis and practical metrics" Wouter Van Toll, Roy Triesscheijn, Marcelo Kallmann, Ramon Oliva, Nuria Pelechano, Julien Pettre, Roland Geraerts Computers & Graphics. vol 91, pp. 52-82. 2020. The seminar will be held online following Meet on Thursday at 12:15h:
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
01-04-2020 12:15
Àlvar Vinacua,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
18-03-2020 12:15
Carlos Andújar,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-03-2020 12:15
Marta Fairen,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
04-03-2020 12:15
Toni Chica,"MeshPipe: A Python-based Tool for Easy Automation and Demonstration of Geometry Processing Pipelines";Joan Fons, Antoni Chica, Carlos Andújar;GRAPP 2020. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
12-02-2020 12:15
Victor Theoktisto,"Crypto currency & blockchain". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-02-2020 12:15
Jose Díaz,"MTV-Player: Interactive Spatio-temporal Exploration of Compressed Large-scale Time-varying Rectilinear Scalar Volumes". Jose Díaz, Fabio Marton an Enrico Gobbetti (Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics 2019) The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-01-2020 12:15
Pere Pau Vàzquez,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-01-2020 12:15
Toni Susín,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 101, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
27-11-2019 12:15
Isaac Besora,"Stylizing Video by Example". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
20-11-2019 12:15
Alex Rios,"Nearpod: A student engagement platform". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
13-11-2019 12:15
Marc Comino,"Selected papers from ICCV 2019". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
30-10-2019 12:15
Juan José Franco,"Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Protein-Ligand Interaction Data". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
23-10-2019 12:15
Marc Comino,"Multi-View Image Fusion" Marc Comino Trinidad, Ricardo Martin Brualla, Florian Kainz, Janne Kontkanen. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-06-2019 12:15
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
12-06-2019 12:15
Jose Diaz,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 101, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-06-2019 12:15
Carlos Andújar,"A Parser-based Tool to Assist Instructors in Grading Computer Graphics Assignments"; Carlos Andujar , Cristina Raluca Vijulie, Alvar Vinacua; Eurographics 2019 Education Track The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-05-2019 12:15
Àlvar Vinacua,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-05-2019 12:15
Toni Chica,"4K Rendering Breakthrough: The Filtered and Culled Visibility Buffer" Wolfgang Engel GDC Europe 2016 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
24-04-2019 12:15
Nuria Pelechano,"Legomotion: Scalable walking-based virtual locomotion",Bhandari, J., Tregillus, S., & Folmer, E. 23rd ACM symposium on virtual reality software and technology The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-04-2019 12:15
António Coelho,"The challenges of Procedural Modeling of Urban Environments". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
03-04-2019 12:15
Pedro Hermosilla, "Total Denoising: Unsupervised Learning of 3D Point Cloud Cleaning", P. Hermosilla, T. Ritschel, T. Ropinski The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
27-03-2019 12:15
Núria Pelechano,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 001, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
20-03-2019 12:15
Pere Pau Vázquez,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
13-03-2019 12:15
Marc Comino,"Octrees in Z-first order for 3D printing". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
06-03-2019 12:15
Toni Susín,"TBD". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
06-02-2019 12:15
Bernat Orellana,"Quasi-automatic Colon Segmentation on T2-MRI Images with Low User Effort". The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
30-01-2019 12:15
Isadora Salvetti; "Towards virtual reality infinite walking: dynamic saccadic redirection"; Qi Sun, Anjul Patney, Li-Yi Wei, Omer Shapira, Jingwan Lu, Paul Asente, Suwen Zhu, Morgan Mcguire, David Luebke, and Arie Kaufman; ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 4, Article 67 (July 2018). The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
23-01-2019 12:15
Leandro Zardaín, "Photoportals: Shared references in space and time"; Kunert, André & Kulik, Alexander & Beck, Stephan & Froehlich, Bernd; Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 2014. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-01-2019 12:15
Sergi Tortosa, "Slang: language mechanisms for extensible real-time shading systems"; Yong He, Kayvon Fatahalian, and Tim Foley; ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 4, Article 141 (July 2018). The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 003, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-12-2018 12:15
David Duran,"Principles of colorimetry and human vision" The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
28-11-2018 12:15
Marta Fairén, "Studying the sense of embodiment in VR shared experiences" Rebecca Fribourg, Ferran Argelaguet, Ludovic Hoyet, Anatole Lécuyer. VR 2018 - 25th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, Mar 2018, Reutlingen, Germany. The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-11-2018 12:15
Carlos Andújar, "Densepose: Dense human pose estimation in the wild." Güler,Neverova, and Kokkinos; CVPR 2018 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-11-2018 12:15
Toni Chica, "Mesh Color Textures", Cem Yuksel, HPG 2017 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
07-11-2018 12:15
Pere Pau Vazquez,"Improving Perception of Molecular Surface Visualizations by Incorporating Translucency Effects"; Pedro Hermosilla, Sebastian Maisch, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Timo Ropinski; Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2018 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 001, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
24-10-2018 12:15
Àlvar Vinacua, "TBD" The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-10-2018 12:15
Pere Pau Vázquez,"Visualization of Large Molecular Trajectories",David Duran Rosich, Pedro Hermosilla Casajus, Timo Ropinski, Barbora Kozlíková, Àlvar Vinacua, Pere-Pau Vázquez; IEEE Vis 2018 The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-10-2018 12:15
Núria Pelechano, "Immersive VR challenges and applications" The Seminar will take place at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
26-06-2018 10:45
Pedro Hermosilla, "Monte Carlo Convolution for Learning on Non-Uniformly Sampled Point Clouds",Pedro Hermosilla, Tobias Ritschel, Pere-Pau Vazquez, Alvar Vinacua, Timo Ropinski. The Seminar will take place at 11:00h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
13-06-2018 12:15
Pere Brunet,"State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication", Eurographics 2018 (ST1 session). The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room S03, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-05-2018 12:15
Pere Pau Vázquez,"Visual analysis of protein-ligand interactions". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
09-05-2018 12:15
Toni Susín,"Phase-Functioned Neural Networks for Character Control" D. Holden, T. Komura, J. Saito, SIGGRAPH 2017. The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Research Seminar
03-05-2018 15:00
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra: Information Visualization Prof. Steffen Oeltze-Jafra, from U. Leipzig will give a seminar the following days: May 3rd, 7th and 8th from 15 to 17. AULARI A5 A5204 The contents of the seminar will be information visualization, more concretely: - Interaction Principles - Visualization of Multi-variate data (visualization process, adding attributes, bar charts, scatter plots, coordinated views) - Visualization of multi-dimensional data (parallel cordinates, treemaps, hierarchies...)
Contact: Vázquez, Pere Pau
Research Seminar
02-05-2018 12:15
Steffen Oeltzen-Jafra,"Medical Flow Data Visualization". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-04-2018 12:15
Oscar Meruvia-Pastor,"A User Study on Augmented Virtuality Using Depth Sensing Cameras for Near-Range Awareness in Immersive VR". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-03-2018 12:15
Marc Comino, "Segmentation of Aerial Images for Plausible Detail Synthesis" Oscar Argudo; Marc Comino; Antoni Chica; Carlos Andújar; Felipe Lumbreras Computers & Graphics, 2017 The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-03-2018 12:15
Oscar Argudo,"Terrain Super-resolution through Aerial Imagery and Fully Convolutional Networks", Oscar Argudo, Antoni Chica, Carlos Andújar Accepted to Eurographics 2018 The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
07-03-2018 11:45
Antoni Chica,"Convolutional Neural Networks for Screen-Space Shading", Oliver Nalbach, Elena Arabadzhiyska, Dushyant Mehta, Hans-Peter Seidel, Tobias Ritschel Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2017), 36 (4) . The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:00h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
28-02-2018 12:15
Pere Brunet,"Global Contrast Based Salient Region Detection", M. M. Cheng, N. J. Mitra, X. Huang, P. H. S. Torr and S. M. Hu IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 569-582, March 1 2015. The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-02-2018 12:15
Imanol Muñoz, "Interactive Weathering for realistic image synthesis of urban environments". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-02-2018 12:15
Àlex Rios, Carles Bonet,"Serious Games desenvolupats a ViOD Games Studio". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
31-01-2018 12:15
Jose Díaz,"AR development using Unity and Vuforia" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-01-2018 12:15
Àlvar Vinacua,"TBD" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-01-2018 12:15
Antoni Chica,"Convolutional Neural Networks for Screen-Space Shading" Oliver Nalbach, Elena Arabadzhiyska, Dushyant Mehta, Hans-Peter Seidel, Tobias Ritschel Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EGSR 2017), 36 (4). The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-11-2017 12:15
Otger Roglà,"Procedural Semantic Cities" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
22-11-2017 12:15
Oscar Meruvia,"Augmented Reality as a Telemedicine Platform for Remote Procedural Training" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-11-2017 12:15
Marc Comino,"Soft 3D Reconstruction for View Synthesis". Eric Penner, Li Zhang ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), vol. 36 (2017) The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
18-10-2017 12:15
Pere Brunet,"Point Cloud Noise and Outlier Removal for Image-Based 3D Reconstruction" Katja Wolff ; Changil Kim ; Henning Zimmer ; Christopher Schroers ; Mario Botsch ; Olga Sorkine-Hornung ; Alexander Sorkine-Hornung Fourth International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV) 2016 The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-10-2017 12:15
Pere Pau Vázquez,"Modeling Color Difference for Visualization Design",Danielle Albers Szafir University of Colorado Boulder VIS 2017, InfoVis best paper award The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
04-10-2017 12:15
Miguel A. Pasenau,"VELaSSCo European Project, CIMNE" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:15h. Room 002, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-06-2017 12:00
Steffen Oeltze-Jafra,"Visual Analytics of Medical and Biological Data" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:00h. Sala Powerwall, CRV, FME builfing
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
20-06-2017 10:15
Yue Zhang,"TBD" The Seminar will take place on Tuesday at 10:30h. FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
07-06-2017 10:15
Oscar Argudo,"Coherent Multi-Layer Landscape Synthesis",Oscar Argudo, Carlos Andujar, Antonio Chica, Eric Guerin, Julie Digne,Adrien Peytavie and Eric Galin, Accepted to CGI 2017. The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
31-05-2017 10:30
Ricardo Marques,"Gradient-based steering for vision-based crowd simulation algorithms", Eurographics 2017 The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
17-05-2017 10:15
Toni Susín,"Animated Mesh Approximation With Sphere-Meshes", J-M Thiery, E Guy, T Boubekeur, E Eisemann. ACM Transactions on Graphics (presented at SIGGRAPH 2016) The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
10-05-2017 10:15
David Duran,"Extracting Microfacet-based BRDF Parameters from Arbitrary Materials with Power Iterations",Computer Graphics Forum, 2015, pp.10. The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-04-2017 10:15
Carlos Andújar, "Blender". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
05-04-2017 10:15
Oscar Meruvia Pastor, "A Window to your Smartphone: Addressing Visual Isolation in Immersive Virtual Reality". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
29-03-2017 10:15
Toni Chica, "Infinite Resolution Textures, Alexander Reshetov and David Luebke, High Performance Graphics, 2016". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
22-03-2017 10:15
Àlvar Vinacua, "Git - Version Control System". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-03-2017 10:15
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
08-03-2017 10:15
Pere Pau Vàzquez, "TBD". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
01-03-2017 10:15
Pere Brunet, "Automatic selection of video frames for path regularization and 3D reconstruction". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
22-02-2017 10:15
Marta Fairen, "TBD". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
15-02-2017 10:30
Jonàs Martínez, "Procedural Voronoi foams for additive manufacturing". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
08-02-2017 10:30
Carlos Andújar i Toni Susin, "Research group projects 3". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
25-01-2017 10:30
Àlvar Vinacua, "TBD". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
18-01-2017 10:30
Barbora Kozlikova,"Visualization of protein-protein interactions - problem definition and current challenges". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
11-01-2017 10:30
Pere Brunet,"Interactive Inspection of Complex Multi-object Industrial Assemblies". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
21-12-2016 10:30
Marc Comino. "City Reconstruction and Visualization from Public Data Sources". The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
14-12-2016 12:00
Isabel Navazo, "Research group projects 2" The Seminar will take place on Wednesday at 12:00h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
30-11-2016 10:30
Yiorgos Chrysanthou, University of Cyprus, web: The seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
23-11-2016 10:30
Daniel Keim, University of Konstanz "Solving Problems with Visual Analytics: The Role of Visualization and Analytics in Exploring Big Data" The seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
16-11-2016 10:30
Isabel Navazo, "Research group projects" The seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
09-11-2016 10:30
Pere-Pau Vázquez, "Visibility Equalizer: Cutaway Visualization of Mesoscopic Biological Models" The seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
02-11-2016 10:30
Will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building. Antoni Chica, "Procedural Tree Modeling with Guiding Vectors"
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
26-10-2016 10:30
Will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building. Pere Brunet, "Instant Field-Aligned Meshes"
Contact: Chica, Antoni
Barcelona Graphics Seminar
19-10-2016 10:30
Start of the 2016-17 Q1 sessions of the seminar of the Barcelona division. Pedro Hermosilla, "Physics-based Visual Characterization of Molecular Interaction Forces" The seminar will take place on Wednesday at 10:15h. Room 005, FME building.
Contact: Chica, Antoni