
Welcome to the ViRVIG web site, Research Center for Visualization, Virtual Reality and Graphics Interaction. ViRVIG performs research, education and training activities in visualization, geometric and volume modeling, animation, rendering, virtual reality and advanced interaction. ViRVIG was created in 2012 joining the expertise of the two groups working in these fields in the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) hosted by the Department CS and the University of Girona (UdG) hosted by the Department IMAE.

ViRVIG is a Joint Research Unit (JRU) of the European Comission with the support of the Spanish Government. ViRVIG is also considered as a reference research group (SGR 01035).

The ViRVIG Research Center main activity is based on the research and technology transfer of results in fields including:

  • Virtual and augmented reality and immersive interaction
  • Visualization of complex n-dimensional information
  • Geometry processing
  • Advanced 3D graphics interaction systems
  • Physically-based animation and rendering
  • Procedural modeling
  • Real-time rendering
  • Modeling complex systems

Coming Events and News

Immersive technologies in education: Uncontrolled DCD Scenario
"Immersive technologies in education: Uncontrolled DCD Scenario" will be presented by Dr. Brian Alvarez at the TTS2024 conference that will be held between September 22 to 25 in Istambul.
